Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park Public Institute was established in 2008 and covers Slovenia’s largest complex of wet grasslands with hedges and forests, shrubs and watercourses. The area is well-known for its rich biodiversity, which is the result of specific cultivation practices (extensively-mowed meadows). The basic purpose of its founding was the establishment of a modern protected nature area in which the nature and characteristic landscape are preserved, where people can get new developmental opportunities and visitors feel good in it. Other aims were to protect and conserve natural values, natural features, preserve biodiversity, conserve landscape diversity and promote sustainable development.
Within the framework of the project, we will carry out workshops and presentations in kindergartens and schools, as well as presentations at events in the park and outside the park. We will also present the Guardian of Treasures, the Mascot of the Park, in an interactive form. We will publish the publication Ljubljansko barje on postage stamps, conduct training of guides, purchase equipment for outdoor science workshops, study trips, prepare numerous publications in the media and participate in all collective project activities.